Underdogs, Visionaries, Dreamers, Realist, all necessary in the fight for possibility. The possibility to be American to stand and declare it so. The manifestation of property and the right to manage and govern that said property as you see fit. The right to stand and protect yourself as an entity.


Hieroglyphs are necessary to assure that our future has the purest gift presented and represented in and as a chance to subsist or sustain. Intellectual real estate whether it be remedial or complex, artistic or informative, audio or visual has been more so a vehicle for humanity than economics as we know it has ever been. In fact it is truly the very foundation for administering said systematic assistances. A record of the coherent is necessary and indeed valuable to and for existence to continue to thrive or find new direction in the future.



Everything in life is temporary so make memories

Be definite in your stance. We must overcome and evolve 


A gift of praise to the skies adorned

Symbolic are the Children of the storm

A gift of praise to the skies adorned